Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The family is the foundation of the larger society. All that happens to societies world over, good or bad, orignates from the family institution. If the homefront be right, then the entire society will be right.

In this discourse, we are going to look at parenting. Parenting is a serious business. All renowned personalities in various fields of positive human endeavours (and of course criminals too) derive what they become in life from the very start of their lives - when parents cared or failed to care for them.

How important are the roles of parents in the lives of their children? There is no gainsaying that parents play vital roles in their children lives. First, they bring the into the world; secondly, they nurture them spiritually and physically; thirdly, they give them the necessities of life and help to chart the path they will follow in life before releasing such children to the world to cater for themselves.

Ensuring that children grow up on the positive side of life is the greatest challenge parents face. For them to achieve this takes quite a lot of challenges and demands. Therefore it is a serious business indeed.

How can parents get it right? First people tend to look at life's goals form secular signposts such as accademic success, marital success, career success and happy retirement to a blissful life. The truth howeveris that these cannot be achieved without the most important factor which should actually take the first priority the minds of raising children up children. This factor is the spiritual. I am not being religious. No. But I must say we did not come to this world by accident. We have spiritual connections to our divine source. And our divine source controls our physical success. Therefore if we align well with our divine source recording success in the secular endeavours is settled already.

We are witnessing a serious waive of crime in England today. The bottomline of this is the fact that it is only the elderly ones that cared about spiritual matters. The proportion of such elderly ones are even seriously in the minority because if they are in the majority, they would have brought up their children spiritually well for the latter to succeed them. Alas, what we see is the opposite. Burger centres, beer parlours have become the worship centres for the young ones! No wonder, the spirit of alcohol has taken over and the youngsters are behaving according to the dictates of the 'master' under whose control they are - alcohol! (To be continued)